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I am sick. This very hot weather and the air condition in the office makes my lungs weak. This just started yesterday when I woke up having a very bad head. Feels like tens of workers are drilling my head. I don't like the feeling of having flu this summer. I hate it, plus the fact that I need to go to the office still. Feels like a suicide to me.

Good thing is that I already joined my friends for summer outing just last week before this flu attacked me. I can't afford to say at home with the thermometer at my mouth while those bitches are enjoying the sea and pool. It's really unfair when I have been a very good boy all this month.

What's so devastating today is there's no nurse nor available meds at the office. Where the hell are they? Imagine, I need to buy remedies for my nose out of my pocket because there's no nurse on duty and the guard on duty don't know where the meds are. What I really want to express here is that there should always be a nurse on duty even if it's holiday. What if some of the workers here got accident and needs some first aid? Who will we call? Saints?

Geh, I feel my head pulsating. Need to sleep early now. Oh oh oh! Wait, I wanted to join a summer dance workshop this summer. Anybody here who knows some information about that here in Cebu?

Notes: Thanks tistelblomst of photobucket for the pix

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